I am almost finished reading The Element by Ken Robinson - a man after my own heart in terms of how finding your passion changes everything. It is such a simple thing to spend some time to find out what really makes you tick (fires you up, toasts your teacake etc.) and you wonder whether something so simple would be worth doing at all. BUT IT IS!!
I am always banging on about this when I meet people and often sound like a scratched record or a tape recorder on permanent playback (do people still have tape recorders?) Anyway, it was a turning point in my life and I am so lucky to be doing something I'm good at and have a real passion for. Waiting until I was in my 40's to do this was perhaps a tad silly but hey, it's never too late and as I am planning to live to be 120, I've got bags of time!
I totally understand the term 'flow', something mentioned a lot in Ken's book. It is sort of work nirvana, if you know what I mean......Being in your element is something everyone should strive for - particularly business owners. Imagine being able to combine your strengths (the good ones which give you drive and energy) with something, or several things, you feel passionately about and form a business strategy around that - surely a recipie for success?
Yes, actually and there are lots and lots of examples of this - people like Anita Roddick for one. She didn't call it passion, she called it her 'obsession'. Famously she laughed when the likes of Yale and Harvard asked her to come and deliver workshops on how to be an entrepreneur and said "I'm not sure you can teach entrepreneurship - after all, how do you teach obsession".
Read Ken's book, or better still, watch him on http://vodpod.com/watch/2108360-sir-ken-robinson-the-element. It's good stuff. Oh, and if you want to know what I'm up to, look at the Love your Business bit a the back of this document.........coming to a business networking event near you! http://issuu.com/visionrepublic/docs/vision_republic_brochure
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
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